Copper-Nickel Water Intake Screens


HeroFilters offer Resistance Welded Wedge Vee Wire Wire water intake screens that are made with copper-nickel. Copper-nickel differs from other alloys, delivering practical and economical advantages with high reliability. HeroFilters uses 90/10 and 70/30 copper-nickel alloys, which are widely
used for sea water applications and environments where zebra mussels are present.


If marine corrosion is a concern, especially in saltwater conditions, water intake screens made from
copper-nickel will minimize the corrosion rate.
Failure due to stress corrosion cracking (SCC),
crevice and general corrosion is greatly reduced.


The accumulation of biological matter on the intake screen can restrict water flow, decreasing its efficiency. Copper-nickel is proven to provide
an unwelcoming environment for organisms, leading to reduced biofouling and increased performance.

HeroFilters Intake Screens

HeroFilters water intake screens provide a flexible, cost effective design to withdraw water from lakes,
rivers, streams and reservoirs. Our Resistance Welded designs lead to less debris and clogging for a consistent water flow. 

Water Intake Screens | Passive Water Treatment for Lakes

 T-Intake Screens
 Half-Barrel Intakes
 Drum Screens
 Flat Panels
 Available in Passive and Self–Cleaning Options